Did the Welsh ever write anything?
That's the question that aliens (from outerspace, not from Gloucestershire) will ask when they land on our planet in a few years once we've all dissapeared due to war, hunger, drowning, been scortched...
If there will be anything left of Cardiff, they might see the new library with pictures of our favourite books on it.

When I first went past it, I thougth it was an advert for Waterstones due to the large images of English langugae bestsellers. Then I realised that this is the new central library for Cardiff. I'm not sure if it's a permanent building or a temporary one, so this 'mural' may also be temporary, but what struck me (as usual) was the lack of welsh book/books in Welsh.
Yes, I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to popular culture and I'm sure that novels by Dan Brown and about Harry Potter have been the one's borrowed most offten from the capital's libraries. But would it not have been appropriate to also have included classics from Wales in the two languages as well, work by Islwyn Ffowc Elis and Alexander Cordell, or novels set in Cardiff like Dyddiadur Dyn Dwad or Cardiff Dead?
A wonderful opportunity to raise awareness and promote the rich literary history of Wales has been missed here. I'm only guessing, but I bet it was thought up by some ignorant marketing comapny who were paid thousands for it, even worse I bet a fee had o be paid for the rights to use the book's images. I wonder what Academi make of it?
Here's a blog post by someone who works in the central library.
llyfrgell, caerdydd, cardiff, library, cymraeg, welsh
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If there will be anything left of Cardiff, they might see the new library with pictures of our favourite books on it.

When I first went past it, I thougth it was an advert for Waterstones due to the large images of English langugae bestsellers. Then I realised that this is the new central library for Cardiff. I'm not sure if it's a permanent building or a temporary one, so this 'mural' may also be temporary, but what struck me (as usual) was the lack of welsh book/books in Welsh.
Yes, I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to popular culture and I'm sure that novels by Dan Brown and about Harry Potter have been the one's borrowed most offten from the capital's libraries. But would it not have been appropriate to also have included classics from Wales in the two languages as well, work by Islwyn Ffowc Elis and Alexander Cordell, or novels set in Cardiff like Dyddiadur Dyn Dwad or Cardiff Dead?
A wonderful opportunity to raise awareness and promote the rich literary history of Wales has been missed here. I'm only guessing, but I bet it was thought up by some ignorant marketing comapny who were paid thousands for it, even worse I bet a fee had o be paid for the rights to use the book's images. I wonder what Academi make of it?
Here's a blog post by someone who works in the central library.
llyfrgell, caerdydd, cardiff, library, cymraeg, welsh
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